SiP Talk

The name speaks for itself: the «Science in Perspective Talks» tackle current scientific and social questions and highlight what contributions the humanities, social and political sciences can make to these topics. Examples include internet security, monetisation of higher education or the bashing of scientific experts by politicians.
The talks, which are organised by the D-GESS jointly with representatives from other ETH departments, sometimes with invited guests, are aimed at students and members of the relevant disciplines as well as the interested public. They complement the Science in Perspective course program which is devoted to the normative, historical and cultural contexts of the core disciplines or major topics at ETH Zurich. The SiP Talks, in turn, highlight particular challenges that are currently subject to fervent discussion. They want to stimulate critical reflection and contribute to a comprehensive understanding across disciplinary boundaries.
Upcoming SiP Talk
Previous SiP Talks
SiP Talk #3 (in German)
Zählen und Erzählen

Thursday, 9 November 2017, 18.00 - 19.30
ETH Zentrum, Building RZ, RZ F21
Further information (in German only)
SiP Talk #2 (in German)

Thursday, 5 October 2017, 18.00 - 19.30
ETH Zentrum, Alumni Pavillon, MM C78.1
Further information (in German only)
SiP Talk #1

Tuesday, 9 May 2017, 17.30 - 19.00, Aperitif
ETH Main Building, Semper Aula (HG G60)
See the video of the SiP Talk #1