Here we answer the most frequently asked questions about the program “Science in Perspective”. You will find further information regarding the course program in the “DIRECTIVE for Science in Perspective” or in the “Strategy Paper on Course Program Science in Perspective”. If none of these Guidelines answers your questions, you can contact the Study administration office D-GESS for further information.

The “SiP” program is part of every degree program at the ETH Zurich and is incorporated as a course unit category. As a rule, SiP-courses are firmly anchored in every degree program at ETH Zurich and they must be taken by all students. In certain study programs (e.g., at D-USYS), different provisions apply.
The aim of the “SiP” course program is, for students of the natural and technical sciences to gain qualifications exceeding the scope of their main subject. This includes, putting natural and technical sciences in social, political, economic and cultural contexts and getting a better understanding of global conditions and consequences in terms of action in politics, culture and economy.
A maximum of 3 ECTS will be recognized for language courses during the entire course of Studies at ETH Zurich (BA- and MA degree together).
In addition: For the languages English, French, Italian and Spanish we only recognize advanced courses (level B2 upwards), and for German language courses level C2 applies.
The courses must relate to the subject matter and methods of the natural and technical sciences thought at the ETH Zurich. For further information, take note of the “Strategy Paper on Course Program Science in Perspective”.
Example: "I visited a course similar to one listed in the “SiP-program” at ETH/ UZH and I think it would fit right into the program. Can I get these credits recognized?"
No! Each semester, the study program “SiP” offers more than 100 classes to choose from. These courses are specifically incorporated into the program at the request of the Teaching Commission D-GESS. Therefore, the course catalogue is binding and cannot be extended.