Parent-child-room (ELKI)

D-GESS would like to contribute to the reconciliation of work and family life for the employees and students of D-GESS by offering a parent-child room (ELKI)
The parent-child room enables employees and students to bring child(ren) to the workplace if necessary and to supervise them here. The room offers a computer workstation, a cot, a chair for breastfeeding, a kettle, a microwave oven, a refrigerator, a changing table and a play area with toys.
The parent-child-room (ELKI) is located in IFW B 25.2
Booking the parent-child-room (ELKI)
- Open up a new Outlook Appointment.
- Click on the scheduling assistant, enter the desired date and time, check whether ELKI is free. If so:
- Click on the button "rooms", select "Sitzungszimmer GESS ELKI IFW B 25.2"
- Go back to the appointment.
- Add to the text box:
1. Declaration of consent with terms of use
2. Name and age of child(ren)
- Send.
- Appointment will be confirmed or declined.
- You will obtain the Code for the safe with the key .