D-GESS Releases Comprehensive Guide on Performance Assessments

We are delighted to announce the release of the >Information on Performance Assessments at D-GESS<

As part of our ongoing 'WIDEr Teaching' initiative launched 20 months ago, we are pleased to announce the release of the >Information on Performance Assessments at D-GESS<. This comprehensive document is the result of a collaborative effort between the WIDE Group, GESS Who!, the LET and the department, and aims to provide clarity and transparency in performance assessment processes at our department.

The guide details all the key policies, rules and regulations relevant to performance assessment in the department, ensuring a broad understanding for all members of the D-GESS community. It was unanimously approved by the Department Conference in December 2023, signifying a unified commitment to transparent, fair, and equitable teaching and learning practices.

This initiative is part of our ongoing efforts to foster a more inclusive learning environment at D-GESS. We believe that providing clear information about performance assessment procedures is a significant step towards empowering all individuals involved in the educational process.

For further details or inquiries, please feel free to contact the WIDE group at .

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