Prof. Dr. Martina Rau

Prof. Dr.  Martina Rau

Prof. Dr. Martina Rau

Full Professor at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences
Head of Institute of Behavioral Sciences

Sara May

Clausiusstrasse 59

ETH Zürich RZ H 24

8092 Zürich


Martina Rau holds the Professorship of Research on Learning and Instruction at ETH Zurich. Her research team focuses on learning with educational technologies, instructional design, and multimodal learning. Martina focuses on empirical research with an emphasis on multi-​methods approaches. This allows her team to understand how learning interventions affect learning processes that lead to specific learning outcomes. Her team is interdisciplinary by nature, reflecting Martina’s own background.

Prior to joining ETH Zurich, Martina was an associate professor at the external page University of Wisconsin - Madison (USA) with her primary appointment in the Department of Educational Psychology and an affiliate appointment in the Department of Computer Sciences. During this time, she was directing the Learning, Representations, and Technology lab and served as chair of the Learning Sciences Ph.D. program. Martina holds a Ph.D. in Human-​Computer Interactions from Carnegie Mellon University (USA), a Masters of Science in Human-​Computer Interactions from Carnegie Mellon University (USA), and a Dipl.-​Psych. (equivalent to a B.S. and M.S. in Psychology) from the University of Freiburg i. Br. (Germany).

Besides research, Martina enjoys biking, swimming, taking her son to the Zurich zoo, and dancing Argentine tango with her husband.

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