Save the date: Latsis Symposium 6-8 September 2021
How can science and mathematics education can be improved at various age levels?
ERC Grants for Rachael Garrett and Bjarne Steffen
Congratulations to Rachael Garrett and Bjarne Steffen for receiving ERC Starting Grants for their projects!
We were stuck
During the lockdown Antoinette van der Merwe was stuck in South Africa. While she was there, she started a new research project to find out how poor families are coping with the current corona crisis.
Save the Date: Inaugural Lecture Rachael Garrett 24.02.2020
"New tools for an old problem: Ending deforestation and fires in the Brazilian Amazon” on Monday, 24. February 2020, 17.15 h at AudiMax (HG F30)